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The 1st century C.E.

Bronze, casting. Height 21 cm, bottom diameter 8.1 cm, rim diameter 11.5 cm.

Found near Berdiya railway station, Ilovlinsky rayon.

Excavations by Igor Viktorovich Sergatskov, 1993.

The cauldron with a high, glass-shaped leg, a hemispherical body and a rim bent outwards, shaped like a “rope”. The body in the middle part is surrounded by a roller imitating a «rope». Two diametrically located vertical handles in the form of figures of standing goats are soldered to the upper part of the body.

For the nomads of the early Iron Age, cauldrons symbolized the unity of the entire tribe. The presence of a cauldron in the burial indicates that the person could have been a leader during their lifetime.

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